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Business breakfast and workshop on managing stress and building resilience

Nordic Chamber of Commerce in Croatia organized a business breakfast and a workshop on „How to manage stress in order to build future resilience and create positive change?“ with SELECTIO, a member company of the Chamber, on Tuesday, 16 May 2023. 

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Business breakfast and workshop on "Export Finance & Export Credit Insurance"

Nordic Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with Italian Croatian Chamber of Commerce and Canadian Croatian Business Network Croatia had the pleasure to organize joint business breakfast and a workshop with HBOR, member of the Chamber, on Thursday 10 March 2022. 

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A webinar on “Restrictive Covenants in Croatia”

Nordic Chamber of Commerce had a pleasure to organize a webinar on the topic “Restrictive Covenants in Croatia” with Vidan Law Office, member company of the Chamber, that took place on Thursday, 2 December 2021.

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A webinar on "Managing teams remotely during COVID-19"

Nordic Chamber of Commerce organized a free webinar on the topic „Managing teams remotely“ with SELECTIO, a member company of the Chamber, on Tuesday, 28 April 2020. The event was cooperated with Italian Croatia Chamber of Commerce.

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