Business breakfast and workshop on "Export Finance & Export Credit Insurance"

Nordic Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with Italian Croatian Chamber of Commerce and Canadian Croatian Business Network Croatia had the pleasure to organize joint business breakfast and a workshop with HBOR, member of the Chamber, on Thursday 10 March 2022, at hotel Hilton Garden Inn in Zagreb. For the first time ever, the event was arranged together with both our Canadian and Italian colleagues that provided an excellent opportunity to establish new business contacts and potential partnerships among representatives of Nordic-Canadian-Italian business community and members of their respective organizations. The workshop was aimed for exporters of consumer and capital goods or services, entrepreneurs performing construction works abroad, as well as investors, business consultants, banks doing business with clients in export markets and everyone else involved in the export-credit business.
In their effort to start or expand their international businesses, Croatian exporters are sometimes faced with limited knowledge of certain foreign markets and/or lack of resources needed to obtain and conclude export contracts or gain bank support during that process, due to their high-risk requirements. The aim of the workshop was to present the audience with the current export-credit insurance and finance programs implemented by HBOR. The topic was presented by Mr Zoran Babić, Director of Bank and Credit Cooperation, and Mrs Ivana Petković, Insurance Expert at HBOR. The insurance programs compliment the offer provided by the private credit insurance market, filling in the gap by covering risks for which there is no private insurance or reinsurance capacity available, or this capacity is limited. The insurance programs compliment the offer provided by the private credit insurance market, filling in the gap by covering risks for which there is no private insurance or reinsurance capacity available, or this capacity is limited. By doing this, HBOR generates many positive effects for both Croatian exporters and their banks.
The event raised huge interest among members from all three organizations, and was followed by interactive discussion, as well Q&A related to the topic. Furthermore it was also an excellent opportunity for networking and establishment of new business contacts among representatives of Nordic-Canadian-Italian business community.