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Business breakfast and workshop on managing stress and building resilience

Nordic Chamber of Commerce in Croatia organized a business breakfast and a workshop on „How to manage stress in order to build future resilience and create positive change?“ with SELECTIO, a member company of the Chamber, on Tuesday, 16 May 2023. 

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Business breakfast and workshop on "Export Finance & Export Credit Insurance"

Nordic Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with Italian Croatian Chamber of Commerce and Canadian Croatian Business Network Croatia had the pleasure to organize joint business breakfast and a workshop with HBOR, member of the Chamber, on Thursday 10 March 2022. 

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A webinar on “Restrictive Covenants in Croatia”

Nordic Chamber of Commerce had a pleasure to organize a webinar on the topic “Restrictive Covenants in Croatia” with Vidan Law Office, member company of the Chamber, that took place on Thursday, 2 December 2021.

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A webinar on "Managing teams remotely during COVID-19"

Nordic Chamber of Commerce organized a free webinar on the topic „Managing teams remotely“ with SELECTIO, a member company of the Chamber, on Tuesday, 28 April 2020. The event was cooperated with Italian Croatia Chamber of Commerce.


New EU climate quotas could result in fewer Danish farm animals

The Danish agriculture sector will be forced to reduce its number of cows and pigs if Denmark hopes to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to the new EU standards.

Swedish hotels cash in on business travellers

Business travellers have been flocking to city hotels in Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm this summer.


Figures from the tourist season in Norway

There has been a record high 2.45 million guest nights in June 2016 in Norwegian hotels, an increase of 3% compared with June 2015.

Income tax in Iceland lower than OECD average

Tax on labour income in Iceland is around 34%, lower than the OECD average and all other Nordic countries.