Stockholm among EU’s richest regions

People in the Swedish capital are in average richer than both other Swedes and other Europeans, according to a new study ranking Stockholm among EU's top ten richest regions... 

The city came in ninth on 168 percent of the EU average, expressed in terms of purchasing power standards, according to statistics body Eurostat. Stockholm is the only Nordic city claiming a place in the top ten, according to the TT news agency. The study also said that wealth in Sweden is more evenly distributed than in most other EU countries. London was by far the wealthiest region in the EU (328 per cent of the average) followed by Luxembourg (266 per cent), Brussels (223 per cent) and Hamburg (203 per cent). The poorest regions were in Bulgaria and Romania. The gap between northern European cities and their southern and eastern European counterparts iswide, accordong to the report. One in four EU regions is below the 75 per cent average of EU GDP per capita. 


Source: http://www.swedishwire.com25 March 2013