Finland tops success index

According to the Failed States Index 2011, Finland is the most successful country in the world. The index ranks countries according to an assessment of their social, economic and political situation. According to the survey, Finland’s levels of justice and security in particular are excellent.The index is run by the US peace organization the Fund of Peace. The index assesses the situation in 177 countries from sources such as articles from around the world and through analysis of reports. 

Each country is evaluated according to 12 criteria and each of these is accorded a value from 1 – 10. The fewer aggregate points a country receives, the more balanced its situation. A high point score alerts of risk. This year Finland got 19.7 points compared with Somalia, at the bottom of the index, which received 113.4 points.

Norway held top spot for five years but this year dropped behind Finland into second place. Finland has been among the countries being assessed since 2006 when it ranked third. The Nordic countries have been near the top every year.

The Failed States Index has been published annually since 2005.

Source: Good News from Finland, 18 January 2012