IFONT 2011-International Fair of New Technologies

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Nordic Chamber of Commerce in Croatia, as a supporting organization and partner participated at the International Fair of New Technologies (IFONT) held in Split at the Spaladium Arena from 26 to 29 May 2011.

First International Fair of New Technologies (iFONT) 2011

From 26 to 29 May 2011, Split hosted the First International Fair of new technologies. The main objective of this four-day event was to present and popularize the use of modern technologies and indicate new business opportunities through various exhibitions and presenttaions.

Nordic Chamber of Commerce participated at the Fair as partner and supporter of this initiative, especially from the perspective that Nordic countries are among the most prominent countries in this sector. ABB, Rockwool and Ruđer inovacije, member companies of the Chamber, presented their companies and latest achievements in energy efficiency and innovation technologies sector, respectively.